Author: everymansecure

  • National Preparedness Month 2024: What You Need to Know

    National Preparedness Month 2024: What You Need to Know

    September is National Preparedness Month in the US. With its roots in the tragic events of September 11, 2001, the national campaign began in 2004. The goal is to encourage families, organizations, and communities to better prepare for disasters and emergencies that may come their way. This year’s theme is “Start a Conversation”. To that…

  • Tip of the Week #14 – Develop a Home Emergency Plan

    Tip of the Week #14 – Develop a Home Emergency Plan

    An important part of personal security is creating a home emergency plan. This critical piece of planning allows you to think carefully through possible crisis scenarios that you may face at home and how you should respond. Then, you can also put in place practical methods of reducing the risk of those crises happening. Starting…

  • Do What You Can, Right Now

    Do What You Can, Right Now

    “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” Theodore Roosevelt It seems to me that we spend a lot of time wishing and hoping for what we don’t have. “If only I had (fill in the blank), then I could get ahead!” Aspirations and desires aren’t bad in themselves, but we shouldn’t…

  • Tip of the Week #13 – Complete a Perimeter Check

    Tip of the Week #13 – Complete a Perimeter Check

    To ensure proper security, it is important that you make regular checks of your perimeter. From a personal safety standpoint, for most folks this will refer to you house and property. Your home is your primary base of operations. It is here that you want to be able to relax and have the freedom to…

  • Personal Security 101: What is EDC?

    Personal Security 101: What is EDC?

    The term EDC stands for Every Day Carry. It refers to the gear that you carry on your person throughout the day. We all have an EDC, whether we realize or not. The typical every day carry for most folks includes: cell phone, wallet, keys. But from these basic three, you can expand and personalize…

  • Tip of the Week #12 – Know How to Defend Yourself

    Tip of the Week #12 – Know How to Defend Yourself

    Knowing how to defend yourself is an important part of improving your personal safety and security. Unfortunately, there are plenty of people out there who are looking to take advantage of you. Whether it’s a robbery, an assault, or a scam, it is important to understand how to protect yourself against such attacks. Three ways…

  • Are You Armed With Reliable Information?

    Are You Armed With Reliable Information?

    I had an interesting discussion with a colleague recently, regarding the transparency of information provided by an organization to the public and how that information could get twisted or misunderstood by some. His point of view was that perhaps some information should not be made public, even if merely informative in nature, because some people…

  • Tip of the Week #11 – Use Your Digital Brain

    Tip of the Week #11 – Use Your Digital Brain

    What digital brain? That wonderful (and awful) device that we are too often addicted to – the cell phone! Your cell phone has storage capabilities that folks only two generations could hardly dream of. You don’t have to try to learn and memorize all the security knowledge you may need for every situation. Instead, use…

  • The Ultimate EDC Pen for Everyday People

    The Ultimate EDC Pen for Everyday People

    If you’ve ever scrolled through EDC (every day carry) pens online you’ve seen how intense they can get. Pens with a bolt action, a tactical grip, and/or a titanium body are all over the place. They come in solid brass and gunmetal grey. And, they can easily can cost $50-$60. I’ve seen some for over…

  • Tip of the Week #10 – Keep Your Hands Free!

    Tip of the Week #10 – Keep Your Hands Free!

    The Importance of Being Hands Free This week’s security tip is to keep your hands free. Our hands are one of the best security tools available to us, and they come built-in! Your ability to react quickly to catch something falling, stop a family member from stepping into danger, or help out a friend by…

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