Category: Relfections

  • Ancient Wisdom for Modern Security

    Ancient Wisdom for Modern Security

    Marcus Aurelius was a Roman emperor and philosopher, perhaps best known for his work Meditations. It is probably the most influential and well-known Stoic philosophy book in history, and I try to read it on an annual basis. This particular quote always stands out to me. I think his ancient wisdom can apply to our…

  • Do What You Can, Right Now

    Do What You Can, Right Now

    “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” Theodore Roosevelt It seems to me that we spend a lot of time wishing and hoping for what we don’t have. “If only I had (fill in the blank), then I could get ahead!” Aspirations and desires aren’t bad in themselves, but we shouldn’t…

  • Take Time to Sharpen the Axe

    Take Time to Sharpen the Axe

    “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” Abraham Lincoln Are you ready for what life might bring? I really like this quote by President Lincoln. The idea is that if you have not put in the time necessary to be prepared, or ‘sharp’,…

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